Confiture de Cerises et d'Abricots

Mother nature will point you in the right direction. Follow her lead and you'll be ok, probably. With that belief in mind, I noticed that both cherries and apricots are in season at the same time, and therefore, maybe they taste good together, as a jam perhaps. So I took home a few hundred grams of each and began cooking them down. It's true, they do taste great together, and the flavors compliment each other without either one masking the other. Give it a shot. Cherry-Apricot Jam 700g Apricots, quartered and pitted 300g Cherries, halved and pitted 800g Sugar Salt, 1 pinch
Juice of 1 lemon

*Apricots seem to like a lot of sugar for making jam, so don't be alarmed by the proportion of sugar to fruit, it makes for a nice texture at the end, and just a little jam goes a long ways* Place a small place in the fridge to cool. Then, in a large pot, mix the all of the ingredients along with a little water to help melt the sugar. Put the pot on med-high heat and cook down, stirring with a rubber spatula. Make sure to skim any foam that come to the top. When the jam begins to thicken, you can do a test on the chilled plate. If it's too runny, continue cooking until it reaches the consistency of jam. Jar and process about 10 minutes in boiling water. It tastes great with cheese, stirred into oatmeal, or on biscuits.